Sunday, March 22, 2009


Weight: 278.8 Hurray!!

(B:) 1 banana, 1 apple
(L:) 1c California Creamed Kale (good!), boca burger, Manna bread
(D:) Thai curry veggies (not so good), green apple

Well, I tried a new recipe. The Thai Curry Veggies... I was so disappointed. I didn't have the right kind of greens, so I used Kale. Maybe that was the problem. I will eat it, but I won't make it again. Hopefully better day 2? The California Creamed Kale, which was also a new recipe, was very good! I can't eat much of it at once (1 c was pushing it), because it was so... filling..... but it got some greens in me. I'm afraid that tomorrow's weight will be high because of yesterday's nuts. Today, the Creamed Kale had cashews, and the Thai Curry had a small amount of peanut butter and some cashews (which I would leave out next time... didn't add anything but fat)

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